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The Village
A poem by Carquinez Village member Julie Lake
A poem by Carquinez Village member Julie Lake
I spent years just isolated
But now I have been renovated
Much to do now, not enough time
To write my memoirs and make my rhymes
To do my knitting and get my house clear
It looked like a bomb went off in here!
Movie Group starts in thirty minutes
I’ll check the newsletter for more events
I walked my dog and made his food
And cooked for the potluck this afternoon
I cannot wait to see my friends
And hear what’s happening start to end
Tomorrow is the Women’s Group
I started it with good intent
I’m happy they all seem to love it
We laugh and cry. It’s good to vent
I love the Garden Club and ferry rides
And new friends sitting side by side
Sharing their news both good and bad
Being brave when they are sad
It’s important not to be alone
Though it feels easy to stay at home
We make the effort to get out
To share, to talk, and walk about
We play games and we laugh out loud
Much better than the silent sound
Or crying alone while we grieve the losses
That life has dealt us and what it has cost us
Reaching out isn’t always easy
At first, I was a little queasy
But the many rewards are worth the effort
And we need each other for fun and comfort
I love the village and especially the people
Who make it all fun and remarkable
I’m happier now and far less sad
Than when I stayed home feeling bad
There are so many wonderful people to know
So many different ways to grow
So please! Come out and join the Village
You’ll get yourself a whole new image!
Benefits for MembersPersonal Services – To support you
Social Activities – To connect you
Educational & Cultural Programs - To inspire you
Volunteers are Central Carquinez Village is led by a group of caring and committed volunteers who want to make a positive difference in the lives of older people. Some of the benefits volunteers experience include:
Voice of the Village
Carquinez Village hosts a column in the Benicia Herald. It is called the "Voice of the Village" and it focuses on topics relevant to older adults.
Immediate questions? Call (707) 297-2472
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